martes, 8 de septiembre de 2015

The hispanic influence in USA

By Maibort Petit

The Hispanic population in the USA has become so significant. For any business that wants to grow nationally in our country, it is advisable for them to go after the Latin community. 

Coca Cola is the largest beverage company on the world and they recognize this. For Hispanic Heritage Month, Coca Cola has come out with a film called The “Orgulloso De Ser”. This film evokes the power of family, culture and Hispanic community by bringing people together in celebration of their heritage and unique family stories.

The National Baseball Hall of Fame have installed a permanent 'viva baseball' exhibit that recognizes Hispanic influence on baseball. Presently American baseball is comprised of over 28% Hispanic.
In all areas in life in the USA, Hispanic influence has been becoming more of a fabric of our culture. Our concept of beauty has changed due to the Latin influence. Our music has changed. TV and cable has been influenced as now Univision is one of the most influential  networks.
Now that we are heading into a presidential election, the Hispanic vote and their influence on our country with both documented and undocumented families are the major debate issue of the campaign.

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